The City of Poznań invites to participate in an open international architectural competition on development of architectural conception for seat of the Musical Theatre in Poznan.
The area of the competition is located in the western part of the city, at the corner of Św. Marcin and Skośna streets, in the immediate vicinity of the Music Academy and the railway.
The Competition will be held in polish.
Participants: team composed of an architect, acoustician and stage technologist.
Prizes (gross):
I prize in the amount of PLN 80.000,00
II prize in the amount of PLN 50.000,00
III prize in the amount of PLN 30.000,00
3 distinctions PLN 20.000,00
The participant who wins the 1st prize will also be invited to negotiate the public contract for the development of the design and the cost-estimate documentation of the construction of the new seat of the Music Theatre.
All correspondence shall be sent to the address:
Procurement and Office Service Department
Poznań City Hall
pl. Kolegiacki 17
61-841 Poznań
fax +48 61 878 50 85, zp@um.poznan.pl
Competition: Musical Theater in PoznanType
Competition Announcement (Built Projects & Masterplans)Website
Submission Deadline
October 18, 2018 03:00 PMVenue
Poland, Poznan, Swiety Marcin StreetPrice